People are becoming more and more aware of the ways our planet needs help, and that’s a good thing. Millennials are a particularly conscientious generation. They are passionate about conserving oceans, preserving rainforests, and using sustainable ways of living. Thankfully, recycling — or upcycling, the newest form of green living — is easy to do and doesn’t require a ton of time or money, so it can be for everyone.

Upcycling is all about taking something that used to be trash and turning it into something beautiful and useful. It’s a great way to put things to use that would otherwise be sitting in a landfill and hurting the planet. There are tons of suggestions online for ways to upcycle. With minimal time and effort, you can put your trash to great use: making beautiful things while saving the planet.

So, there’s no need to feel upset if your town doesn’t have a recycling plant or you can’t afford a hybrid car: there are tons of ways you can still live sustainably. Just check out these 25 amazing ways to upcycle your trash and beautify your home. Every time you see these things, you’ll be reminded of the ways you’re helping save the earth!